
4 thoughts on “Face

  1. a week ago due to accident about 3 cm cutted in my forehead also 4 stichese done .so how much does it cost to remove it scars

    1. Dear ,

      Thank you for your interest in our office.

      Dr Louafi is used to treat scars.

      All the prices are on the website.

      I suggest you call the office for more informations or to take an appointment at this number : : 01 53 59 90 24

      Best regards

    1. Dear ,

      Thank you for your interest in our office.
      I am used to face lift.
      All the rates are on the website.

      A personalized quote will be given to you during the first consultation.
      We do not do instalment pay.
      I suggest you call the office to take an appointment or for more informations.
      Best regards