
18 thoughts on “Rhinoplasty

  1. Hi Dr. Louafi! Thanks for your article. I have this type of “incorrect nose”, so I’m trying to research as much as possible before applying for a rhinoplasty surgeon. Too bad you are in Paris, I’m in Naperville, Illinois. Keep your your awesome blog posts, I’m following you from now on!

    1. Dear ,

      Thank you for your interest in our office.

      Dr Louafi is used to rhinoplasty surgery.

      I suggest you call the office to take an appointment or for more infos.

      You can also give me your phone number, I will give you a call.

      Best regards

    1. Dear Jhey ,
      Thank you for your interest for our practice.
      I do a lot of rhinoplastys . It is important that I examine you during a medical consultation so that we can have a personalized discussion on your project.
      I will give you your personalized estimated during the consultation.
      You can check my fees on my website
      Pease feel free to contact for any further information or to make an appointment

    1. Dear,
      After the surgery you will be able to go back to work after a week.
      The traces of the intervention gradually diminish within 3 to 6 weeks.
      It takes two to three months to get a good over view of the result.
      The final result will however only be obtained after a year.

      All the rates are on the website

  2. Hello d.r louafi
    My name is sonia and I’m considering taking a nose job at your clinic so I was wondering if you have a technology that allows me to se my look with desired nose befor the surgery.

  3. Hello sir my nose is verry flat . I have a problem whenever I go outside .!! I want to reshape my nose ? it’s possible ? Thanks you.